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  • Writer's pictureDeborah Ribera

The Best Day Ever?

Things continue to be serious-as-all-COVID for us adults, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help our students find fun and joy in their day (while also encouraging thoughtful insight and growth)! This worksheet is an oldie but a goodie…it’s a guided reflection exercise on the classic SpongeBob SquarePants episode “Best Day Ever” This episode is only about 10 minutes long, so you can easily watch it in class or in session with your students. Or have them complete this on their own as homework! It’s appropriate for all ages—your teenage clients will call you corny (an honor) but they will laugh and secretly love it.

This reflection exercise can serve as a jumping off point to explore feelings of disappointment and discouragement, as well as perseverance, generosity, expectations, friendship, and intentionality and choice around perspective/attitude. Usually it’s easiest if students answer the questions while they watch the episode once or twice, pausing as they go along. You can also go back and rewatch it with them later, pausing to discuss their answers. Honestly, this is also a good exercise for adults, too, so I encourage you to complete the worksheet with your students!

The episode is hyperlinked in the worksheet, but it can also be found for $1.99 on Amazon Prime Video. Added bonus: you can have a dance party to the Best Day Ever song (and you won’t be able to get it out of your head). ENJOY being IN JOY everyone! Click here to download a free pdf of this worksheet!

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