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  • Writer's pictureDeborah Ribera

Racism is how can we kill it?

The recent rash of anti-Asian violence has only further reinforced that racism is an epidemic in our country. The defensiveness people have around discussions of race and racism is not helpful. People truly freak out when they think they are being accused of racism. The irony is, we'll never be able to do anything about racism if we can't all admit the role we play in perpetuating racism and/or racial prejudice. Back in June of 2020, I distributed this resource to my email list and I'd like to share it with you now. This resource is for you if:

--> You feel like you support the struggle for justice and equality, but you want to learn more about why race matters and how racism works.

--> You'd like to learn more about what racism actually is and how you can be actively anti-racist.

--> You know someone who might benefit from a gentle nudge in the direction of anti-racist education right now.

Racism is a huge topic and there are SO many great resources out there. This lesson is by no means exhaustive (or even comprehensive), but it gives an introductory overview of some complicated concepts. It contains text and videos, so make sure you have your sound on when you click through it. You can access the presentation by clicking here.

In most K-12 schools, there are no classes offered in which students are guaranteed to have a competently guided conversation about racism, race relations, police brutality, and social justice. It pains me that mainstream US education does not actively teach students to see themselves as powerful cultural beings and that so many students of color do not have their own stories reflected back to them through mainstream curriculum. It pains me that our K-12 schools are not obligated to teach white students how to be actively anti-racist. This all must change.

Keep checking back here for more learning materials related to global diversity education and mental health. And please feel free to copy anything from this presentation for your own use! Let me know if you find it useful :-)

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