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I am lucky enough to have experience at all educational levels from Kindergarten to college and from graduate school to adult professionals!

I am a credentialed school counselor with advanced authorization in Child Welfare and Attendance. I have a Ph.D. in American Culture Studies and am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Together, these areas of expertise have led me to educating learners of all ages in the areas of diversity and mental health.  

What I'm Working On

The projects I choose to work on all allow me to creatively express my passion for helping people connect to themselves and others. Here's what I'm currently up to: 

  • California Department of Rehabilitation: Providing statewide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

  • Five Keys Schools: Mental health services provider for students at Boyle Heights Technology Youth Center and Pitchess Detention Facility

  • Let's Talk!: Host of a web series and podcast encouraging student mental health

  • California State University, Los Angeles: Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Special Education and Counseling, currently on professional leave

Let's Collaborate!

My approach no matter the task is to empower individuals with knowledge and practice while also working within the realities of larger systemic issues. The main services I currently offer are:

Professional Development Workshops and Retreats

  • Full or half day. Online.

  • Includes pre-retreat collaborative planning and post-retreat follow up

  • Topics include:

    • Wellness Boost​: Is your staff low on morale? Has your community been facing one crisis after another? Are you feeling powerless and unable to address the needs of your staff? Let me take care of you and your staff for a day. I will guide your group through transformative information and engaging activities. Each participant will leave this retreat with an individual action plan for personal growth as well as a shared set of tools to help you effect positive change in your professional environment. 

    • Global Diversity Education: Is your school struggling to articulate its plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? Or are you unified in your vision, but lacking next steps? Whether you are at the beginning of your DEI journey or well into it, we will begin where you're at and I will help you and your team grow in the process of cultural education. I am intent on creating safe experiences that focus on healthy personal and professional development. Fill out my Global Diversity Education Readiness Checklist to see where your school is at in this process!

    • Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Are you overwhelmed with the needs of your students? Do you feel like your staff is burned out and sometimes lacking empathy? If we want to help our students, it's essential that we help ourselves. Through informational and experiential activities, I will help your staff envision concrete steps they can take to better serve their own emotional needs and that of their students. 

    • Custom: I love to get creative! I can provide you with any mix of the above or other topics related to mental health and/or global diversity education.


Motivational Workshops for Disengaged Students

  • Class period, ongoing, full or half day. Online.

  • Includes pre-workshop collaborative planning and post-workshop follow up

  • Are you overwhelmed by the energy it takes to engage your most disengaged students? Are your teachers complaining about the time these students take away from their other students? Are your counselors so overwhelmed by scheduling and crisis that they are lacking the time they need to come up with a comprehensive intervention for the most high-needs students? My passion is working with students that no one else wants to work with. I don’t promise miracles, but I do promise compassionate and effective interventions. I will lead your students through videos, worksheets, and activities that will help them better understand themselves and others. As a result of this process, they will be able to shift how they see their role in their education. We will articulate values, develop goals, and identify realistic and actionable steps your students can take to improve their lives. 

Informational Video Production

  • Typically a 6-12 month process, shorter for purely promotional purposes.

  • Includes extensive pre-planning with the option for including students in the production process.

  • Does your school have a story to tell? Are your students or staff experiencing something that you think should be documented? Are you struggling to explain to your community what your school is all about? I can help you tell your story! Working together, we will create an engaging video that SHOWS what you’re doing at your school instead of simply telling. You will be able to use this video to help students, parents, and alumni understand your school better. 

Contact me at to explore these possibilities and more!

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